Tuesday was a dark, dreary day, with intermittant rain throughout. We did a lot of stuff onboard the Volendam, but I didn't make a single, solitary picture. We stayed inside the whole day.
There was a disembarkation meeting held, which at least one representative from each cabin was supposed to attend in order to ensure that we encountered no problems leaving the ship after docking in Vancouver on te 24th. Anita ably represented our cabin at this meeting while I caught up on some much needed reading.
We enjoyed a sit-down breakfast in the dining room, with two couples from Australia. They will be visiting the daughter of one couple, who is teaching school for a year in Calgary, Alberta.
We had a sit-down lunch with three folks from Saskatchawan and a couple who, like us, are from eastern Tennessee. Had an interesting conversation about socialized health care.
We spent happy-hour with Tony and Sandy Vetter, new friends from Albany, Minnesota who've been our tablemates at dinner for the entire cruise. With the weather as foul as it was, we looked for whales as we sailed through the foggy fiords. Afterward, we had a special dinner as our waiters and stewards put on a special presentation.
OK, I lied. Anita had her camera at dinner and we made a few pix. Here's Tony Vetter and myself.