About seven PM we drove down to see Tacoma's Union Station, a very impressive structure. Built in 1911 at the terminus of the Northern Pacific Railroad, Union Station is one of downtown Tacoma's shining jewels.

On the advice of a friendly local native, we went behind Union Station to a bridge that spans the railroad tracks to The Museum of Glass. Along the way we found a Union Pacific train passing beneath us.

There were displays of blown glass artwork along the bridge, demonstrating the skills of these artisans. Here's a shot of one of the pieces; notice my lovely wife reflected alongside it.

We climbed onto the Tacoma Link trolley (it's free) to ride from Union Station to the theater district, and found that Mount Ranier was visible! On the way back I snapped several pix; this one turned out best. The overcast was blocking a view of the top, and a heavy fog bank obscurred the base of the mountain. We were happy to see the middle of it, and offer it for your enjoyment.

Tomorrow we're planning to go to the Tacoma History museum, the Museum of Glass, and hopefully the Art Museum.
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